Investigation of Anti-diabetic and Hypocholesterolemic Potential of Psyllium Husk Fiber (Plantago psyllium) in Diabetic and Hypercholesterolemic Albino Rats
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Investigation of Anti-diabetic and Hypocholesterolemic Potential of Psyllium Husk Fiber (Plantago psyllium) in Diabetic and Hypercholesterolemic Albino Rats

Authors: Ishtiaq Ahmed, Muhammad Naeem, Abdul Shakoor, Zaheer Ahmed, Hafiz Muhammad Nasir Iqbal


The present study was conducted to observe the effect of Plantago psyllium on blood glucose and cholesterol levels in normal and alloxan induced diabetic rats. To investigate the effect of Plantago psyllium 40 rats were included in this study divided into four groups of ten rats in each group. One group A was normal, second group B was diabetic, third group C was non diabetic and hypercholesterolemic and fourth group D was diabetic and hypercholesterolemic. Two groups B and D were made diabetic by intraperitonial injection of alloxan dissolved in 1mL distilled water at a dose of 125mg/Kg of body weight. Two groups C and D were made hypercholesterolemic by oral administration of powder cholesterol (1g/Kg of body weight). The blood samples from all the rats were collected from coccygial vein on 1st day, then on 21st and 42nd day respectively. All the samples were analyzed for blood glucose and cholesterol level by using enzymatic kits. The blood glucose and cholesterol levels of treated groups of rats showed significant reduction after 7 weeks of treatment with Plantago psyllium. By statistical analysis of results it was found that Plantago psyllium has anti-diabetic and hypocholesterolemic activity in diabetic and hypercholesterolemic albino rats.

Keywords: Albino rats, alloxan, Plantago psyllium, statistical analysis

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