Numerical Simulation of Flow Field in a Elliptic Bottom Stirred Tank with Bottom Baffles
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Numerical Simulation of Flow Field in a Elliptic Bottom Stirred Tank with Bottom Baffles

Authors: Liu Xuedong , Liu Zhiyan


When the crisscross baffles and logarithmic spiral baffles are placed on the bottom of the stirred tank with elliptic bottom, using CFD software FLUENT simulates the velocity field of the stirred tank with elliptic bottom and bottom baffles. Compare the velocity field of stirred tank with bottom crisscross baffle to the velocity field of stirred tank without bottom baffle and analysis the flow pattern on the same axis-section and different cross-sections. The sizes of the axial and radial velocity are compared respectively when the stirred tank with bottom crisscross baffles, bottom logarithmic spiral baffles and without bottom baffle. At the same time, the numerical calculations of mixing power are compared when the stirred tank with bottom crisscross baffles and bottom logarithmic spiral baffles. Research shows that bottom crisscross baffles and logarithmic spiral baffles have a great impact on flow pattern within the reactor and improve the mixing effect better than without baffle. It also has shown that bottom logarithmic spiral baffles has lower power consumption than bottom crisscross baffles.

Keywords: Bottom baffle, Flow field, Numerical simulation, Stirred tank.

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