Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33181
Numerical Simulation for the Formability Prediction of the Laser Welded Blanks (TWB)
Authors: Hossein Mamusi, Abolfazl Masoumi, Ramezanali Mahdavinezhad
Tailor-welded Blanks (TWBs) are tailor made for different complex component designs by welding multiple metal sheets with different thicknesses, shapes, coatings or strengths prior to forming. In this study the Hemispherical Die Stretching (HDS) test (out-of-plane stretching) of TWBs were simulated via ABAQUS/Explicit to obtain the Forming Limit Diagrams (FLDs) of Stainless steel (AISI 304) laser welded blanks with different thicknesses. Two criteria were used to detect the start of necking to determine the FLD for TWBs and parent sheet metals. These two criteria are the second derivatives of the major and thickness strains that are given from the strain history of simulation. In the other word, in these criteria necking starts when the second derivative of thickness or major strain reaches its maximum. With having the time of onset necking, one can measure the major and minor strains at the critical area and determine the forming limit curve.Keywords: TWB, Forming Limit Diagram, Necking criteria, ABAQUS/Explicit
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