Intelligent System for Breast Cancer Prognosis using Multiwavelet Packets and Neural Network
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Intelligent System for Breast Cancer Prognosis using Multiwavelet Packets and Neural Network

Authors: Sepehr M.H.Jamarani, M.H.Moradi, H.Behnam, G.A.Rezai Rad


This paper presents an approach for early breast cancer diagnostic by employing combination of artificial neural networks (ANN) and multiwaveletpacket based subband image decomposition. The microcalcifications correspond to high-frequency components of the image spectrum, detection of microcalcifications is achieved by decomposing the mammograms into different frequency subbands,, reconstructing the mammograms from the subbands containing only high frequencies. For this approach we employed different types of multiwaveletpacket. We used the result as an input of neural network for classification. The proposed methodology is tested using the Nijmegen and the Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) mammographic databases and images collected from local hospitals. Results are presented as the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) performance and are quantified by the area under the ROC curve.

Keywords: Breast cancer, neural networks, diagnosis, multiwavelet packet, microcalcification.

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