ASC – A Stream Cipher with Built – In MAC Functionality
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
ASC – A Stream Cipher with Built – In MAC Functionality

Authors: Kai-Thorsten Wirt


In this paper we present the design of a new encryption scheme. The scheme we propose is a very exible encryption and authentication primitive. We build this scheme on two relatively new design principles: t-functions and fast pseudo hadamard transforms. We recapitulate the theory behind these principles and analyze their security properties and efficiency. In more detail we propose a streamcipher which outputs a message authentication tag along with theencrypted data stream with only little overhead. Moreover we proposesecurity-speed tradeoffs. Our scheme is faster than other comparablet-function based designs while offering the same security level.

Keywords: Cryptography, Combined Primitives, Stream Cipher, MAC, T-Function, FPHT.

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