Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Novel Ridge Orientation Based Approach for Fingerprint Identification Using Co-Occurrence Matrix
Authors: Mehran Yazdi, Zahra Adelpour, Batoul Bahraini, Yasaman Keshtkar Jahromi
In this paper we use the property of co-occurrence matrix in finding parallel lines in binary pictures for fingerprint identification. In our proposed algorithm, we reduce the noise by filtering the fingerprint images and then transfer the fingerprint images to binary images using a proper threshold. Next, we divide the binary images into some regions having parallel lines in the same direction. The lines in each region have a specific angle that can be used for comparison. This method is simple, performs the comparison step quickly and has a good resistance in the presence of the noise.Keywords: Parallel lines detection, co-occurrence matrix, fingerprint identification.
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