Strip Decomposition Parallelization of Fast Direct Poisson Solver on a 3D Cartesian Staggered Grid
Authors: Minh Vuong Pham, Frédéric Plourde, Son Doan Kim
A strip domain decomposition parallel algorithm for fast direct Poisson solver is presented on a 3D Cartesian staggered grid. The parallel algorithm follows the principles of sequential algorithm for fast direct Poisson solver. Both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are addressed. Several test cases are likewise addressed in order to shed light on accuracy and efficiency in the strip domain parallelization algorithm. Actually the current implementation shows a very high efficiency when dealing with a large grid mesh up to 3.6 * 109 under massive parallel approach, which explicitly demonstrates that the proposed algorithm is ready for massive parallel computing.
Keywords: Strip-decomposition, parallelization, fast directpoisson solver.
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