Accounting for SMEs – How Important is Size in Choosing between Global and Local Standards?
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Accounting for SMEs – How Important is Size in Choosing between Global and Local Standards?

Authors: Cătălin Nicolae Albu, Nadia Albu, Maria Mădălina Gîrbină


There is limited evidence from various countries about the possible impact of various criteria to be used to determine the scope of the IFRS for SMEs issued in 2009 and, research is needed in this area. We provide evidence from Romania, an emerging economy member of the European Union. The aim of this paper is to analyze in a local setting if size is a relevant factor for deciding between local and global standards for SMEs. Our results indicate that size is a moderate indicator of the existence of possible users interested in financial statements and that there is a difference between the scopes of the standard determined on various criteria.. Also, we suggest that the international exposure is quite reduced in the case of SMEs, but is sufficient to suggest that at least some SMEs would benefit from international comparability of financial statements

Keywords: SMEs, IFRS for SMEs, accounting regulation, entity's size.

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