Autobiographical Memory and Flexible Remembering: Gender Differences
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33019
Autobiographical Memory and Flexible Remembering: Gender Differences

Authors: A. Aizpurua, W. Koutstaal


In this study, we examined gender differences in: (1) a flexible remembering task, that asked for episodic memory decisions at an item-specific versus category-based level, and (2) the retrieval specificity of autobiographical memory during free recall. Differences favouring women were found on both measures. Furthermore, a significant association was observed, across gender groups, between level of specificity in the autobiographical memory interview and sensitivity to gist on the flexible remembering task. These results suggest that similar cognitive processes may partially contribute to both the ability for specific autobiographical recall and the capacity for inhibition of gist-information on the flexible remembering task.

Keywords: autobiographical memory, flexible remembering, gender, specificity.

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