Optical Characterization of a Microwave Plasma Torch for Hydrogen Production
Authors: Babajide O. Ogungbesan, Rajneesh Kumar, Mohamed Sassi
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a very toxic gas that is produced in very large quantities in the oil and gas industry. It cannot be flared to the atmosphere and Claus process based gas plants are used to recover the sulfur and convert the hydrogen to water. In this paper, we present optical characterization of an atmospheric pressure microwave plasma torch for H2S dissociation into hydrogen and sulfur. The torch is operated at 2.45 GHz with power up to 2 kW. Three different gases can simultaneously be injected in the plasma torch. Visual imaging and optical emission spectroscopy are used to characterize the plasma for varying gas flow rates and microwave power. The plasma length, emission spectra and temperature are presented. The obtained experimental results validate our earlier published simulation results of plasma torch.
Keywords: Atmospheric pressure microwave plasma, gas dissociation, optical emission spectroscopy.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1079454
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