Toward a Use of Ontology to Reinforcing Semantic Classification of Message Based On LSA
Authors: S. Lgarch, M. Khalidi Idrissi, S. Bennani
For best collaboration, Asynchronous tools and particularly the discussion forums are the most used thanks to their flexibility in terms of time. To convey only the messages that belong to a theme of interest of the tutor in order to help him during his tutoring work, use of a tool for classification of these messages is indispensable. For this we have proposed a semantics classification tool of messages of a discussion forum that is based on LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis), which includes a thesaurus to organize the vocabulary. Benefits offered by formal ontology can overcome the insufficiencies that a thesaurus generates during its use and encourage us then to use it in our semantic classifier. In this work we propose the use of some functionalities that a OWL ontology proposes. We then explain how functionalities like “ObjectProperty", "SubClassOf" and “Datatype" property make our classification more intelligent by way of integrating new terms. New terms found are generated based on the first terms introduced by tutor and semantic relations described by OWL formalism.
Keywords: Classification of messages, collaborative communication tools, discussion forum, e-learning, formal description, latente semantic analysis, ontology, owl, semantic relations, semantic web, thesaurus, tutoring.
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