2n Almost Periodic Attractors for Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Variable and Distribute Delays
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
2n Almost Periodic Attractors for Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Variable and Distribute Delays

Authors: Meng Hu, Lili Wang


In this paper, we investigate dynamics of 2n almost periodic attractors for Cohen-Grossberg neural networks (CGNNs) with variable and distribute time delays. By imposing some new assumptions on activation functions and system parameters, we split invariant basin of CGNNs into 2n compact convex subsets. Then the existence of 2n almost periodic solutions lying in compact convex subsets is attained due to employment of the theory of exponential dichotomy and Schauder-s fixed point theorem. Meanwhile, we derive some new criteria for the networks to converge toward these 2n almost periodic solutions and exponential attracting domains are also given correspondingly.

Keywords: CGNNs, almost periodic solution, invariant basins, attracting domains.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1079132

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