Senior Citizens- Satisfaction on Continuing Education
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Senior Citizens- Satisfaction on Continuing Education

Authors: Cheng Fang Hsu, Shinn-Jong Lin


This research is to explore the satisfaction for senior citizens on continuing education in Taiwan. The purpose of this research aims at the difference on teacher-s teaching, personal relationship, learning result, materials and environment. Through different sexual and living area as the background variables, a questionnaire is adopted as the methodology in this research. Three results are found in this research. In overall, senior citizens taking continuing education put the most important attention on personal relationship but materials and leaning environment put the least. There is a significant difference on personal relationship, teacher-s teaching and research result between different sexes. Female senior citizens attach more importance to teacher-s teaching and learning results but male senior citizens value on personal relationship. Another significant difference is shown on teacher-s teaching and personal relationship because of senior citizens living area. Urban senior citizens put importance on personal relationship and rural senior citizens respect teacher-s teaching more.

Keywords: Learning satisfaction, continuing education, seniorcitizens.

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