An Artificial Immune System for a Multi Agent Robotics System
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33181
An Artificial Immune System for a Multi Agent Robotics System

Authors: Chingtham Tejbanta Singh, Shivashankar B. Nair


This paper explores an application of an adaptive learning mechanism for robots based on the natural immune system. Most of the research carried out so far are based either on the innate or adaptive characteristics of the immune system, we present a combination of these to achieve behavior arbitration wherein a robot learns to detect vulnerable areas of a track and adapts to the required speed over such portions. The test bed comprises of two Lego robots deployed simultaneously on two predefined near concentric tracks with the outer robot capable of helping the inner one when it misaligns. The helper robot works in a damage-control mode by realigning itself to guide the other robot back onto its track. The panic-stricken robot records the conditions under which it was misaligned and learns to detect and adapt under similar conditions thereby making the overall system immune to such failures.

Keywords: Adaptive, AIS, Behavior Arbitration, ClonalSelection, Immune System, Innate, Robot, Self Healing.

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