Some Computational Results on MPI Parallel Implementation of Dense Simplex Method
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33181
Some Computational Results on MPI Parallel Implementation of Dense Simplex Method

Authors: El-Said Badr, Mahmoud Moussa, Konstantinos Paparrizos, Nikolaos Samaras, Angelo Sifaleras


There are two major variants of the Simplex Algorithm: the revised method and the standard, or tableau method. Today, all serious implementations are based on the revised method because it is more efficient for sparse linear programming problems. Moreover, there are a number of applications that lead to dense linear problems so our aim in this paper is to present some computational results on parallel implementation of dense Simplex Method. Our implementation is implemented on a SMP cluster using C programming language and the Message Passing Interface MPI. Preliminary computational results on randomly generated dense linear programs support our results.

Keywords: Linear Programming, MPI, Parallel Implementation, Simplex Algorithm.

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