Influence of High Speed Parameters on the Quality of Machined Surface
Authors: Jana Novakova, Lenka Petrkovska, Josef Brychta, Robert Cep, Lenka Ocenasova
The contribution is dealing with the influence of high speed parameters on the quality of machined surface. In general the principle of high speed cutting lies in achieving faster machine times with concurrent increase in accuracy and quality of the machined areas in largely irregular, mathematically hard to define shapes. High speed machining is a highly effective method of machining with the following goals: increasing of machining productivity, increasing of quality of the machined surface, improving of machining economy, improving of ecological aspects of machining. This article is based on an experiment performed by the Department of Machining and Assembly of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of VŠBTechnical University of Ostrava.
Keywords: High speed cutting, measurement, surface integrity, surface roughness, residual stress/
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