A High Performance MPI for Parallel and Distributed Computing
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
A High Performance MPI for Parallel and Distributed Computing

Authors: Prabu D., Vanamala V., Sanjeeb Kumar Deka, Sridharan R., Prahlada Rao B. B., Mohanram N.


Message Passing Interface is widely used for Parallel and Distributed Computing. MPICH and LAM are popular open source MPIs available to the parallel computing community also there are commercial MPIs, which performs better than MPICH etc. In this paper, we discuss a commercial Message Passing Interface, CMPI (C-DAC Message Passing Interface). C-MPI is an optimized MPI for CLUMPS. It is found to be faster and more robust compared to MPICH. We have compared performance of C-MPI and MPICH on Gigabit Ethernet network.


Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1329851

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