Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Ontology-based Domain Modelling for Consistent Content Change Management
Authors: Muhammad Javed, Yalemisew M. Abgaz, Claus Pahl
Ontology-based modelling of multi-formatted software application content is a challenging area in content management. When the number of software content unit is huge and in continuous process of change, content change management is important. The management of content in this context requires targeted access and manipulation methods. We present a novel approach to deal with model-driven content-centric information systems and access to their content. At the core of our approach is an ontology-based semantic annotation technique for diversely formatted content that can improve the accuracy of access and systems evolution. Domain ontologies represent domain-specific concepts and conform to metamodels. Different ontologies - from application domain ontologies to software ontologies - capture and model the different properties and perspectives on a software content unit. Interdependencies between domain ontologies, the artifacts and the content are captured through a trace model. The annotation traces are formalised and a graph-based system is selected for the representation of the annotation traces.Keywords: Consistent Content Management, Impact Categorisation, Trace Model, Ontology Evolution
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