Analysis of Sonographic Images of Breast
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Analysis of Sonographic Images of Breast

Authors: M. Bastanfard, S. Jafari, B.Jalaeian


Ultrasound images are very useful diagnostic tool to distinguish benignant from malignant masses of the breast. However, there is a considerable overlap between benignancy and malignancy in ultrasonic images which makes it difficult to interpret. In this paper, a new noise removal algorithm was used to improve the images and classification process. The masses are classified by wavelet transform's coefficients, morphological and textural features as a novel feature set for this goal. The Bayesian estimation theory is used to classify the tissues in three classes according to their features.

Keywords: Bayesian estimation theory, breast, ultrasound, wavelet.

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