Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33181
Binarization of Text Region based on Fuzzy Clustering and Histogram Distribution in Signboards
Authors: Jonghyun Park, Toan Nguyen Dinh, Gueesang Lee
In this paper, we present a novel approach to accurately detect text regions including shop name in signboard images with complex background for mobile system applications. The proposed method is based on the combination of text detection using edge profile and region segmentation using fuzzy c-means method. In the first step, we perform an elaborate canny edge operator to extract all possible object edges. Then, edge profile analysis with vertical and horizontal direction is performed on these edge pixels to detect potential text region existing shop name in a signboard. The edge profile and geometrical characteristics of each object contour are carefully examined to construct candidate text regions and classify the main text region from background. Finally, the fuzzy c-means algorithm is performed to segment and detected binarize text region. Experimental results show that our proposed method is robust in text detection with respect to different character size and color and can provide reliable text binarization result.Keywords: Text detection, edge profile, signboard image, fuzzy clustering.
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