A Framework for Ranking Quality of Information on Weblog
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
A Framework for Ranking Quality of Information on Weblog

Authors: Mohammad Javad Kargar, Fatemeh Azimzadeh


The vast amount of information on the World Wide Web is created and published by many different types of providers. Unlike books and journals, most of this information is not subject to editing or peer review by experts. This lack of quality control and the explosion of web sites make the task of finding quality information on the web especially critical. Meanwhile new facilities for producing web pages such as Blogs make this issue more significant because Blogs have simple content management tools enabling nonexperts to build easily updatable web diaries or online journals. On the other hand despite a decade of active research in information quality (IQ) there is no framework for measuring information quality on the Blogs yet. This paper presents a novel experimental framework for ranking quality of information on the Weblog. The results of data analysis revealed seven IQ dimensions for the Weblog. For each dimension, variables and related coefficients were calculated so that presented framework is able to assess IQ of Weblogs automatically.

Keywords: Information Quality, Weblog, Web Ranking, Web- Quality.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1077643

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