Intrapreneurship as a Unique Competitive Advantage
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Intrapreneurship as a Unique Competitive Advantage

Authors: Dr. Christos S. Nicolaidis, Georgia C. Kosta


Intrapreneurship, a term used to describe entrepreneurship within existing organizations, has been acknowledged in international literature and practice as a vital element of economic and organizational growth, success and competitiveness and can be considered as a unique competitive advantage. The purpose of the paper is, first, to provide a comprehensive analysis of the concept of intrapreneurship, and, second, to highlight the need for a different approach in the research on the field of intrapreneurship. Concluding, the paper suggests directions for future research.

Keywords: Intrapreneurship, entrepreneurship, uniquecompetitive advantage, competitiveness

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