Adaptive Integral Backstepping Motion Control for Inverted Pendulum
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33179
Adaptive Integral Backstepping Motion Control for Inverted Pendulum

Authors: Ö. Tolga Altınöz


The adaptive backstepping controller for inverted pendulum is designed by using the general motion control model. Backstepping is a novel nonlinear control technique based on the Lyapunov design approach, used when higher derivatives of parameter estimation appear. For easy parameter adaptation, the mathematical model of the inverted pendulum converted into the motion control model. This conversion is performed by taking functions of unknown parameters and dynamics of the system. By using motion control model equations, inverted pendulum is simulated without any information about not only parameters but also measurable dynamics. Also these results are compare with the adaptive backstepping controller which extended with integral action that given from [1].

Keywords: Adaptive backstepping, inverted pendulum, nonlinear adaptive control.

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[1] A. Bnaskeur and A.Desbiens, "Application of Adaptive Backstepping to the Stabilization of the Inverted Pendulum", IEEE, 1998, pp. 113-116.
[2] A. Ebrahim and G.V. Murphy, "Adaptive Backstepping Controller Design of an Inverted Pendulum", IEEE, 2005, pp. 172-174.
[3] Y. Tan, J.Chang, H.Tan and J.Hu, "Integral Backstepping Control and Experimental Implmentation for Motion System", IEEE Int. Conf. Conrol Applications, September 2000, pp. 367-372.
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