An Improved Resource Discovery Approach Using P2P Model for Condor: A Grid Middleware
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
An Improved Resource Discovery Approach Using P2P Model for Condor: A Grid Middleware

Authors: Anju Sharma, Seema Bawa


Resource Discovery in Grids is critical for efficient resource allocation and management. Heterogeneous nature and dynamic availability of resources make resource discovery a challenging task. As numbers of nodes are increasing from tens to thousands, scalability is essentially desired. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) techniques, on the other hand, provide effective implementation of scalable services and applications. In this paper we propose a model for resource discovery in Condor Middleware by using the four axis framework defined in P2P approach. The proposed model enhances Condor to incorporate functionality of a P2P system, thus aim to make Condor more scalable, flexible, reliable and robust.

Keywords: Condor Middleware, Grid Computing, P2P, Resource Discovery.

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