Designing Affect-Aware Virtual Worlds for Marine Education Using Legacy Internet of Things Gaming Devices: Teaching Through Fisheries and Conflicts
Authors: Jonathan Bishop, Kamal Bechkoum, Frederick Bishop
This study proposes a framework for marine education, leveraging legacy Internet of Things (IoT) gaming devices and affect-aware technology to create immersive virtual worlds. Focused on addressing challenges in fisheries and marine conflict resolution, this approach integrates the unique capabilities of these devices to enhance learner engagement and understanding. By repurposing existing technology, we aim to deliver personalised educational experiences that adapt to users' emotional states. Preliminary results indicate significant potential in utilising these technologies to foster a deeper comprehension of marine conservation issues, promoting sustainable practices and conflict resolution skills. This interdisciplinary effort underscores the importance of innovative educational tools in environmental stewardship.
Keywords: Marine education, marine technology, internet of things, fisheries, conflict management. "
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