Impact of Carbonation on Lime-Treated High Plasticity Index Clayey Soils
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Impact of Carbonation on Lime-Treated High Plasticity Index Clayey Soils

Authors: Saurav Bhattacharjee, Syam Nair


Lime stabilization is a sustainable and economically viable option to address strength deficiencies of subgrade soils. However, exposure of stabilized layers to environmental elements can lead to a reduction in post-stabilization strength gain expected in these layers. The current study investigates the impact of carbonation on the strength properties of lime-treated soils. Manufactured soils prepared using varying proportions of bentonite silica mixtures were used in the study. Lime-treated mixtures were exposed to different atmospheric conditions created by varying the concentrations of CO₂ in the testing chamber. The impact of CO₂ diffusion was identified based on changes in carbonate content and unconfined compressive strength (UCS) properties. Changes in soil morphology were also investigated as part of the study. The rate of carbonation was observed to vary polynomially (2nd order) with exposure time. The strength properties of the mixes were observed to decrease with exposure time.

Keywords: Manufactured soil, carbonation, morphology, unconfined compressive strength.

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