Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis: Recent Progress
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis: Recent Progress

Authors: Jie Liu, Xudong Luo, Pingping Lin, Yifan Fan


Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, and other social media and significant e-commerce sites generate a massive amount of online texts, which can be used to analyse people’s opinions or sentiments for better decision-making. So, sentiment analysis, especially the fine-grained sentiment analysis, is a very active research topic. In this paper, we survey various methods for fine-grained sentiment analysis, including traditional sentiment lexicon-based methods, ma-chine learning-based methods, and deep learning-based methods in aspect/target/attribute-based sentiment analysis tasks. Besides, we discuss their advantages and problems worthy of careful studies in the future.

Keywords: sentiment analysis, fine-grained, machine learning, deep learning

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