Core Competence Development while Carrying out Organizational Changes
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33181
Core Competence Development while Carrying out Organizational Changes

Authors: Olga A. Shvetsova


The paper contains the different issues of competence management in industrial companies. The theoretical bases of human resources management and practical issues of innovative enterprises’ competitiveness are considered. The research is focused on the modern industrial enterprise changes management problems; it focuses on the effective personnel management of industrial enterprises on the basis of competence approach. The influence of organizational changes on the competence development is discussed. The need for development of the new technologies is mentioned, proposal is based on competence-based approach in personnel management including in the conditions of carrying out organizational changes; methods of acquisition and development of missing key professional competences are discussed; importance of key competencies in forming competitive advantage of the organization is mentioned.

Keywords: Competence model, development of industrial company, organizational changes, competitiveness, core competencies.

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