Requirement Engineering and Software Product Line Scoping Paradigm
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33179
Requirement Engineering and Software Product Line Scoping Paradigm

Authors: Ahmed Mateen, Zhu Qingsheng, Faisal Shahzad


Requirement Engineering (RE) is a part being created for programming structure during the software development lifecycle. Software product line development is a new topic area within the domain of software engineering. It also plays important role in decision making and it is ultimately helpful in rising business environment for productive programming headway. Decisions are central to engineering processes and they hold them together. It is argued that better decisions will lead to better engineering. To achieve better decisions requires that they are understood in detail. In order to address the issues, companies are moving towards Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) which helps in providing large varieties of products with minimum development effort and cost. This paper proposed a new framework for software product line and compared with other models. The results can help to understand the needs in SPL testing, by identifying points that still require additional investigation. In our future scenario, we will combine this model in a controlled environment with industrial SPL projects which will be the new horizon for SPL process management testing strategies.

Keywords: Requirements engineering, software product lines, scoping, process structure, domain specific language.

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