Populism and the Democratic Crisis: Comparative Study of Four Countries
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33155
Populism and the Democratic Crisis: Comparative Study of Four Countries

Authors: Hyein Ko


In 2017, many signs of populism occurred around the world. This paper suggests that populism is not a sudden phenomenon, but a manifestation of common people’s will. By analyzing previous research, this paper proposes three factors related to populism: Inequality, experience of economic crisis, and rapid cultural change. With these three elements, four cases will be investigated in this article; two countries experienced populism, and the other two countries did not experience it. Comparing four cases by using three elements will give a fruitful foundation for further analysis regarding populism. In sum, aforementioned three elements are highly related to the occurrence of populism. However, there is one hidden factor: dissatisfaction with established politics. Thus, populism is not a temporal phenomenon. It is a red alert for democratic crisis.

Keywords: Common people, democratic crisis, populism, Trump phenomenon.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1315681

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