Social Capital in Housing Reconstruction Post Disaster Case of Yogyakarta Post Earthquake
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Social Capital in Housing Reconstruction Post Disaster Case of Yogyakarta Post Earthquake

Authors: Ikaputra


This paper will focus on the concept of social capital for especially housing reconstruction Post Disaster. The context of the study is Indonesia and Yogyakarta Post Earthquake 2006 as a case, but it is expected that the concept can be adopted in general post disaster reconstruction. The discussion will begin by addressing issues on House Reconstruction Post Disaster in Indonesia and Yogyakarta; defining Social Capital as a concept for effective management capacity based on community; Social Capital Post Java Earthquake utilizing Gotong Royong—community mutual self-help, and Approach and Strategy towards Community-based Reconstruction.

Keywords: Community empowerment, Gotong Royong, post disaster, reconstruction, social capital, Yogyakarta-Indonesia.

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