A Theoretical Framework on Using Social Stories with the Creative Arts for Individuals on the Autistic Spectrum
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
A Theoretical Framework on Using Social Stories with the Creative Arts for Individuals on the Autistic Spectrum

Authors: R. Bawazir, P. Jones


Social Stories are widely used to teach social and communication skills or concepts to individuals on the autistic spectrum. This paper presents a theoretical framework for using Social Stories in conjunction with the creative arts. The paper argues that Bandura’s social learning theory can be used to explain the mechanisms behind Social Stories and the way they influence changes in response, while Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory can be used simultaneously to demonstrate the role of the creative arts in learning. By using Social Stories with the creative arts for individuals on the autistic spectrum, the aim is to meet individual needs and help individuals with autism to develop in different areas of learning and communication.

Keywords: Individuals on the autistic spectrum, social stories, creative arts, theoretical framework.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1132555

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