A Classical Method of Optimizing Manufacturing Systems Using a Number of Industrial Engineering Techniques
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33181
A Classical Method of Optimizing Manufacturing Systems Using a Number of Industrial Engineering Techniques

Authors: John M. Ikome, Martha E. Ikome, Therese Van Wyk


Productivity optimization of a company can significantly increase the company’s output and productivity which can be in the form of corrective actions of ineffective activities, process simplification, and reduction of variations, responsiveness, and reduction of set-up-time which are all under the classification of waste within the manufacturing environment. Deriving a means to eliminate a number of these issues has a key importance for manufacturing organization. This paper focused on a number of industrial engineering techniques which include a cause and effect diagram, to identify and optimize the method or systems being used. Based on our results, it shows that there are a number of variations within the production processes that can significantly disrupt the expected output.

Keywords: Optimization, fishbone diagram, productivity.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1132465

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