Power of Doubling: Population Growth and Resource Consumption
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Power of Doubling: Population Growth and Resource Consumption

Authors: Sarika Bahadure


Sustainability starts with conserving resources for future generations. Since human’s existence on this earth, he has been consuming natural resources. The resource consumption pace in the past was very slow, but industrialization in 18th century brought a change in the human lifestyle. New inventions and discoveries upgraded the human workforce to machines. The mass manufacture of goods provided easy access to products. In the last few decades, the globalization and change in technologies brought consumer oriented market. The consumption of resources has increased at a very high scale. This overconsumption pattern brought economic boom and provided multiple opportunities, but it also put stress on the natural resources. This paper tries to put forth the facts and figures of the population growth and consumption of resources with examples. This is explained with the help of the mathematical expression of doubling known as exponential growth. It compares the carrying capacity of the earth and resource consumption of humans’ i.e. ecological footprint and bio-capacity. Further, it presents the need to conserve natural resources and re-examine sustainable resource use approach for sustainability.

Keywords: Consumption, exponential growth, population, resources, sustainability.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1131471

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