Deficits and Solutions in the Development of Modular Factory Systems
Authors: Achim Kampker, Peter Burggräf, Moritz Krunke, Hanno Voet
As a reaction to current challenges in factory planning, many companies think about introducing factory standards to lower planning times and decrease planning costs. If these factory standards are set-up with a high level of modularity, they are defined as modular factory systems. This paper deals with the main current problems in the application of modular factory systems in practice and presents a solution approach with its basic models. The methodology is based on methods from factory planning but also uses the tools of other disciplines like product development or technology management to deal with the high complexity, which the development of modular factory systems implies. The four basic models that such a methodology has to contain are introduced and pointed out.
Keywords: Factory planning, modular factory systems, factory standards, cost-benefit analysis.
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