Detecting Major Misconceptions about Employment in ICT: A Study of the Myths about ICT Work among Females
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 32910
Detecting Major Misconceptions about Employment in ICT: A Study of the Myths about ICT Work among Females

Authors: Eneli Kindsiko, Kulno Türk


The purpose of the current article is to reveal misconceptions about ICT occupations that keep females away from the field. The study focuses on the three phases in one’s career life cycle: pre-university, university and workplace with the aim of investigating how to attract more females into an ICT-related career. By studying nearly 300 secondary school graduates, 102 university students and 18 female ICT specialists, the study revealed six myths that influence the decision-making process of young girls in pursuing an ICT-related education and career. Furthermore, discriminating conception of ICT as a primarily man’s world is developed before the university period. Stereotypical barriers should be brought out to the public debate, so that a remarkable proportion of possible employees (women) would not stay away from the tech-related fields. Countries could make a remarkable leap in efficiency, when turning their attention to the gender-related issues in the labour market structure.

Keywords: ICT, women, education, stereotypes, computers.

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