Communicative and Artistic Machines: A Survey of Models and Experiments on Artificial Agents
Authors: Artur Matuck, Guilherme F. Nobre
Machines can be either tool, media, or social agents. Advances in technology have been delivering machines capable of autonomous expression, both through communication and art. This paper deals with models (theoretical approach) and experiments (applied approach) related to artificial agents. On one hand it traces how social sciences' scholars have worked with topics such as text automatization, man-machine writing cooperation, and communication. On the other hand it covers how computer sciences' scholars have built communicative and artistic machines, including the programming of creativity. The aim is to present a brief survey on artificially intelligent communicators and artificially creative writers, and provide the basis to understand the meta-authorship and also to new and further man-machine co-authorship.
Keywords: Artificial communication, artificial creativity, artificial writers, meta-authorship, robotic art.
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