Factors Affecting General Practitioners’ Transfer of Specialized Self-Care Knowledge to Patients
Authors: Weidong Xia, Malgorzata Kolotylo, Xuan Tan
This study examines the key factors that influence general practitioners’ learning and transfer of specialized arthritis knowledge and self-care techniques to patients during normal patient visits. Drawing on the theory of planed behavior and using matched survey data collected from general practitioners before and after training sessions provided by specialized orthopedic physicians, the study suggests that the general practitioner’s intention to use and transfer learned knowledge was influenced mainly by intrinsic motivation, organizational learning culture and absorptive capacity, but was not influenced by extrinsic motivation. The results provide both theoretical and practical implications.
Keywords: Empirical study, healthcare knowledge management, patient self-care, physician knowledge transfer.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1126842
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