Determinants of Conference Service Quality as Perceived by International Attendees
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33156
Determinants of Conference Service Quality as Perceived by International Attendees

Authors: Shiva Hashemi, Azizan Marzuki, S. Kiumarsi


In recent years, conference destinations have been highly competitive; therefore, it is necessary to know about the behaviours of conference participants such as the process of their decision-making and the assessment of perceived conference quality. A conceptual research framework based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour model is presented in this research to get better understanding factors that influence it. This research study highlights key factors presented in previous studies in which behaviour intentions of participants are affected by the quality of conference. Therefore, this study is believed to provide an idea that conference participants should be encouraged to contribute to the quality and behaviour intention of the conference.

Keywords: Conference attendees, service quality, perceives value, trust, behaviour intention.

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