Well-Being and Helping Technology for Retired Population in Finland
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33122
Well-Being and Helping Technology for Retired Population in Finland

Authors: R. Pääkkönen, L. Korpinen


This study aimed to evaluate parameters influencing well-being and how to maintain well-being as long as possible after retirement. There is contradictory information on the health changes after retirement in Finland. This work is based on interviews, statistics, and literature evaluation of Finland. Most often, balance, multitasking reaction time, and adaptation of vision in dim and darks areas are worsened. Slowing is one characteristic that is difficult to measure properly. The most important is try to determine ways to manage daily activities and symptoms of disease after retirement. Medicine is advancing, problems are often also on the economic side. Information of technical aids is important. It is worth planning a retirement age.

Keywords: Retirement, working, aging, wellness.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1125477

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