Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 33132
Analyzing Preservice Teachers’ Attitudes towards Technology
Authors: Ahmet Oguz Akturk, Kemal Izci, Gurbuz Caliskan, Ismail Sahin
Rapid developments in technology in the present age have made it necessary for communities to follow technological developments and adapt themselves to these developments. One of the fields that are most rapidly affected by these developments is undoubtedly education. Determination of the attitudes of preservice teachers, who live in an age of technology and get ready to raise future individuals, is of paramount importance both educationally and professionally. The purpose of this study was to analyze attitudes of preservice teachers towards technology and some variables that predict these attitudes (gender, daily duration of internet use, and the number of technical devices owned). 329 preservice teachers attending the education faculty of a large university in central Turkey participated, on a volunteer basis, in this study, where relational survey model was used as the research method. Research findings reveal that preservice teachers’ attitudes towards technology are positive and at the same time, the attitudes of male preservice teachers towards technology are more positive than their female counterparts. As a result of the stepwise multiple regression analysis where factors predicting preservice teachers’ attitudes towards technology, it was found that duration of daily internet use was the strongest predictor of attitudes towards technology.Keywords: Attitudes towards technology, preservice teachers, gender, stepwise multiple regression analysis.
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