Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33176
The Effect of Type of Nanoparticles on the Quenching Process
Authors: Dogan Ciloglu, Abdurrahim Bolukbasi, Harun Cifci
In this study, the experiments were carried out to determine the best coolant for the quenching process among waterbased silica, alumina, titania and copper oxide nanofluids (0.1 vol%). A sphere made up off brass material was used in the experiments. When the spherical test specimen was heated at high temperatures, it was suddenly immersed into the nanofluids. All experiments were carried out at saturated conditions and under atmospheric pressure. After the experiments, the cooling curves were obtained by using the temperature-time data of the specimen. The experimental results showed that the cooling performance of test specimen depended on the type of nanofluids. The silica nanoparticles enhanced the performance of boiling heat transfer and it is the best coolant for the quenching among other nanoparticles.Keywords: Heat transfer, nanofluid, pool boiling, quenching.
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