Some Pertinent Issues and Considerations on CBSE
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33143
Some Pertinent Issues and Considerations on CBSE

Authors: Anil Kumar Tripathi, Ratneshwer


All the software engineering researches and best industry practices aim at providing software products with high degree of quality and functionality at low cost and less time. These requirements are addressed by the Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE) as well. CBSE, which deals with the software construction by components’ assembly, is a revolutionary extension of Software Engineering. CBSE must define and describe processes to assure timely completion of high quality software systems that are composed of a variety of pre built software components. Though these features provide distinct and visible benefits in software design and programming, they also raise some challenging problems. The aim of this work is to summarize the pertinent issues and considerations in CBSE to make an understanding in forms of concepts and observations that may lead to development of newer ways of dealing with the problems and challenges in CBSE.

Keywords: Software Component, Component Based Software Engineering, Software Process, Testing, Maintenance.

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