Analysis of Spamming Threats and Some Possible Solutions for Online Social Networking Sites (OSNS)
Authors: Dilip Singh Sisodia, Shrish Verma
In this paper we are presenting some spamming techniques their behaviour and possible solutions. We have analyzed how Spammers enters into online social networking sites (OSNSs) to target them and diverse techniques used by them for this purpose. Spamming is very common issue in present era of Internet especially through Online Social Networking Sites (like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ etc.). Spam messages keep wasting Internet bandwidth and the storage space of servers. On social networking sites; spammers often disguise themselves by creating fake accounts and hijacking user’s accounts for personal gains. They behave like normal user and they continue to change their spamming strategy. Following spamming techniques are discussed in this paper like clickjacking, social engineered attacks, cross site scripting, URL shortening, and drive by download. We have used elgg framework for demonstration of some of spamming threats and respective implementation of solutions.
Keywords: Online social networking sites, spam attacks, Internet, clickjacking/likejacking, drive-by-download, URL shortening, cross site scripting, socially engineered attacks, elgg framework.
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