More than Two Decades of Research on Groupware: A Systematic Lexical Analysis
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33017
More than Two Decades of Research on Groupware: A Systematic Lexical Analysis

Authors: Loay A. Altamimi


Collaborative technologies or software known as groupware are key enabling tools for communication, collaboration and co-ordination among individuals, work groups and businesses. Available reviews of the groupware literature are very few, and mostly neither systematic nor recent. This paper is an effort to fill this gap, and to provide researchers, with a more up-to-date and wide systematic literature review. For this purpose, 1087 scholarly articles, published from 1990 to 2013, on the topic of groupware, were collected by the literature search. The study here adopted the systematic approach of lexical analysis for the analysis of those articles.

Keywords: Lexical Analysis, Literature review, Groupware, collaborative Software.

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