Yang-Lee Edge Singularity of the Infinite-Range Ising Model
Authors: Seung-Yeon Kim
The Ising ferromagnet, consisting of magnetic spins, is the simplest system showing phase transitions and critical phenomena at finite temperatures. The Ising ferromagnet has played a central role in our understanding of phase transitions and critical phenomena. Also, the Ising ferromagnet explains the gas-liquid phase transitions accurately. In particular, the Ising ferromagnet in a nonzero magnetic field has been one of the most intriguing and outstanding unsolved problems. We study analytically the partition function zeros in the complex magnetic-field plane and the Yang-Lee edge singularity of the infinite-range Ising ferromagnet in an external magnetic field. In addition, we compare the Yang-Lee edge singularity of the infinite-range Ising ferromagnet with that of the square-lattice Ising ferromagnet in an external magnetic field.
Keywords: Ising ferromagnet, Magnetic field, Partition function zeros, Yang-Lee edge singularity.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1099170
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