Comparative Analysis of Different Page Ranking Algorithms
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33018
Comparative Analysis of Different Page Ranking Algorithms

Authors: S. Prabha, K. Duraiswamy, J. Indhumathi


Search engine plays an important role in internet, to retrieve the relevant documents among the huge number of web pages. However, it retrieves more number of documents, which are all relevant to your search topics. To retrieve the most meaningful documents related to search topics, ranking algorithm is used in information retrieval technique. One of the issues in data miming is ranking the retrieved document. In information retrieval the ranking is one of the practical problems. This paper includes various Page Ranking algorithms, page segmentation algorithms and compares those algorithms used for Information Retrieval. Diverse Page Rank based algorithms like Page Rank (PR), Weighted Page Rank (WPR), Weight Page Content Rank (WPCR), Hyperlink Induced Topic Selection (HITS), Distance Rank, Eigen Rumor, Distance Rank Time Rank, Tag Rank, Relational Based Page Rank and Query Dependent Ranking algorithms are discussed and compared.

Keywords: Information Retrieval, Web Page Ranking, search engine, web mining, page segmentations.

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