Photograph Based Pair-matching Recognition of Human Faces
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 33019
Photograph Based Pair-matching Recognition of Human Faces

Authors: Min Yao, Kota Aoki, Hiroshi Nagahashi


In this paper, a novel system recognition of human faces without using face different color photographs is proposed. It mainly in face detection, normalization and recognition. Foot method of combination of Haar-like face determined segmentation and region-based histogram stretchi (RHST) is proposed to achieve more accurate perf using Haar. Apart from an effective angle norm side-face (pose) normalization, which is almost a might be important and beneficial for the prepr introduced. Then histogram-based and photom normalization methods are investigated and ada retinex (ASR) is selected for its satisfactory illumin Finally, weighted multi-block local binary pattern with 3 distance measures is applied for pair-mat Experimental results show its advantageous perfo with PCA and multi-block LBP, based on a principle.

Keywords: Face detection, pair-matching rec normalization, skin color segmentation.

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