Search results for: Spatio-temporal volume
31652 Prototype of an Interactive Toy from Lego Robotics Kits for Children with Autism
Authors: Ricardo A. Martins, Matheus S. da Silva, Gabriel H. F. Iarossi, Helen C. M. Senefonte, Cinthyan R. S. C. de Barbosa
This paper is the development of a concept of the man/robot interaction. More accurately in developing of an autistic child that have more troubles with interaction, here offers an efficient solution, even though simple; however, less studied for this public. This concept is based on code applied thought out the Lego NXT kit, built for the interpretation of the robot, thereby can create this interaction in a constructive way for children suffering with Autism.Keywords: Lego NXT, autism, ANN (Artificial Neural Network), Backpropagation.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 88531651 Sensitivity Analysis in Power Systems Reliability Evaluation
Authors: A.R Alesaadi, M. Nafar, A.H. Gheisari
In this paper sensitivity analysis is performed for reliability evaluation of power systems. When examining the reliability of a system, it is useful to recognize how results change as component parameters are varied. This knowledge helps engineers to understand the impact of poor data, and gives insight on how reliability can be improved. For these reasons, a sensitivity analysis can be performed. Finally, a real network was used for testing the presented method.Keywords: sensitivity analysis, reliability evaluation, powersystems.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 227731650 A New Algorithm for Cluster Initialization
Authors: Moth'd Belal. Al-Daoud
Clustering is a very well known technique in data mining. One of the most widely used clustering techniques is the k-means algorithm. Solutions obtained from this technique are dependent on the initialization of cluster centers. In this article we propose a new algorithm to initialize the clusters. The proposed algorithm is based on finding a set of medians extracted from a dimension with maximum variance. The algorithm has been applied to different data sets and good results are obtained.
Keywords: clustering, k-means, data mining.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 210731649 The Process of Crisis: Model of Its Development in the Organization
Authors: M. Mikušová
The main aim of this paper is to present a clear and comprehensive picture of the process of a crisis in the organization which will help to better understand its possible developments. For a description of the sequence of individual steps and an indication of their causation and possible variants of the developments, a detailed flow diagram with verbal comment is applied. For simplicity, the process of the crisis is observed in four basic phases called: symptoms of the crisis, diagnosis, action and prevention. The model highlights the complexity of the phenomenon of the crisis and that the various phases of the crisis are interweaving.
Keywords: Crisis, management, model, organization.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 113931648 HSV Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Visual Cryptography
Authors: Rawan I. Zaghloul, Enas F. Al-Rawashdeh
In this paper a simple watermarking method for color images is proposed. The proposed method is based on watermark embedding for the histograms of the HSV planes using visual cryptography watermarking. The method has been proved to be robust for various image processing operations such as filtering, compression, additive noise, and various geometrical attacks such as rotation, scaling, cropping, flipping, and shearing.Keywords: Histogram, HSV image, Visual Cryptography, Watermark.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 197331647 Compression and Filtering of Random Signals under Constraint of Variable Memory
Authors: Anatoli Torokhti, Stan Miklavcic
We study a new technique for optimal data compression subject to conditions of causality and different types of memory. The technique is based on the assumption that some information about compressed data can be obtained from a solution of the associated problem without constraints of causality and memory. This allows us to consider two separate problem related to compression and decompression subject to those constraints. Their solutions are given and the analysis of the associated errors is provided.Keywords: stochastic signals, optimization problems in signal processing.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 133331646 Real E-Government, Real Convenience
Authors: M. Kargar, F.Fartash, T. Saderi, M. Abdar-e Bakhshayesh
In this paper we have suggested a new system for egovernment. In this method a government can design a precise and perfect system to control people and organizations by using five major documents. These documents contain the important information of each member of a society and help all organizations to do their informatics tasks through them. This information would be available by only a national code and a secure program would support it. The suggested system can give a good awareness to the society and help it be managed correctly.Keywords: E-Government, Internet, Web-Based System, Society.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 150831645 Monitoring the Railways by Means of C-OTDR Technology
Authors: Andrey V. Timofeev
This paper presents development results of the method of seismoacoustic activity monitoring based on usage vibrosensitive properties of optical fibers. Analysis of Rayleigh backscattering radiation parameters changes, which take place due to microscopic seismoacoustic impacts on the optical fiber, allows to determine seismoacoustic emission sources positions and to identify their types. Results of using this approach are successful for complex monitoring of railways.
Keywords: C-OTDR systems, monitoring of railways, Rayleigh backscattering.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 289331644 CdS Quantum Dots as Fluorescent Probes for Detection of Naphthalene
Authors: Zhengyu Yan, Yan Yu, Jianqiu Chen
A novel sensing system has been designed for naphthalene detection based on the quenched fluorescence signal of CdS quantum dots. The fluorescence intensity of the system reduced significantly after adding CdS quantum dots to the water pollution model because of the fluorescent static quenching f mechanism. Herein, we have demonstrated the facile methodology can offer a convenient and low analysis cost with the recovery rate as 97.43%-103.2%, which has potential application prospect.Keywords: CdS quantum dots, modification, detection, naphthalene.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 127831643 A Mark-Up Approach to Add Value
Authors: Ivaylo I. Atanasov, Evelina N.Pencheva
This paper presents a mark-up approach to service creation in Next Generation Networks. The approach allows deriving added value from network functions exposed by Parlay/OSA (Open Service Access) interfaces. With OSA interfaces service logic scripts might be executed both on callrelated and call-unrelated events. To illustrate the approach XMLbased language constructions for data and method definitions, flow control, time measuring and supervision and database access are given and an example of OSA application is considered.
Keywords: Service creation, mark-up approach.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 168931642 Synthesis and Reactions of Sulphone Hydrazides
Authors: Mohamed E. Khalifa
The chemistry of sulphone hydrazide has gained increase interest in both synthetic organic chemistry and biological fields and has considerable value. The therapeutic importance of these compounds is the attractive force to continue research in such a point. The present review covers the literature up to date for the synthesis, reactions and applications of such compounds.
Keywords: Sulphone hydrazide compounds, Reactions, Synthesis, Biological activities.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 419731641 Collaborative Education Practice in a Data Structure E-Learning Course
Authors: Gang Chen, Ruimin Shen
This paper presented a collaborative education model, which consists four parts: collaborative teaching, collaborative working, collaborative training and interaction. Supported by an e-learning platform, collaborative education was practiced in a data structure e-learning course. Data collected shows that most of students accept collaborative education. This paper goes one step attempting to determine which aspects appear to be most important or helpful in collaborative education.Keywords: Collaborative work, education, data structures.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 169331640 Automated Ranking of Hints
Authors: Sylvia Encheva
The importance of hints in an intelligent tutoring system is well understood. The problems however related to their delivering are quite a few. In this paper we propose delivering of hints to be based on considering their usefulness. By this we mean that a hint is regarded as useful to a student if the student has succeeded to solve a problem after the hint was suggested to her/him. Methods from the theory of partial orderings are further applied facilitating an automated process of offering individualized advises on how to proceed in order to solve a particular problem.
Keywords: Decision support services, uncertainty management, partial orderings.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 149431639 Modeling Aggregation of Insoluble Phase in Reactors
Authors: A. Brener, B. Ismailov, G. Berdalieva
In the paper we submit the modification of kinetic Smoluchowski equation for binary aggregation applying to systems with chemical reactions of first and second orders in which the main product is insoluble. The goal of this work is to create theoretical foundation and engineering procedures for calculating the chemical apparatuses in the conditions of joint course of chemical reactions and processes of aggregation of insoluble dispersed phases which are formed in working zones of the reactor.
Keywords: Binary aggregation, Clusters, Chemical reactions, Insoluble phases.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 148431638 The Ombudsman: Different Terminologies Same Missions
Authors: Khodr Fakih
The Ombudsman is a procedural mechanism that provides a different approach of dispute resolution. The ombudsman primarily deals with specific grievances from the public against governmental injustice and misconduct. The ombudsman theory is considered an important instrument to any democratic government. This is true since it improves the transparency of the governmental activities in a world in which executive power are rising. Many countries have adopted the concept of Ombudsman but under different terminologies. This paper will provide the different types of Ombudsman and the common activities/processes of fulfilling their mandates.
Keywords: Administration, Citizens, Government, Mediator, Ombudsman, Presidential Mediator.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 184031637 Solitons in Nonlinear Optical Lattices
Authors: Tapas Kumar Sinha, Joseph Mathew
Based on the Lagrangian for the Gross –Pitaevskii equation as derived by H. Sakaguchi and B.A Malomed [5] we have derived a double well model for the nonlinear optical lattice. This model explains the various features of nonlinear optical lattices. Further, from this model we obtain and simulate the probability for tunneling from one well to another which agrees with experimental results [4].Keywords: Double well model, nonlinear optical lattice, Solitons, tunneling.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 152331636 Intrapreneurship as a Unique Competitive Advantage
Authors: Dr. Christos S. Nicolaidis, Georgia C. Kosta
Intrapreneurship, a term used to describe entrepreneurship within existing organizations, has been acknowledged in international literature and practice as a vital element of economic and organizational growth, success and competitiveness and can be considered as a unique competitive advantage. The purpose of the paper is, first, to provide a comprehensive analysis of the concept of intrapreneurship, and, second, to highlight the need for a different approach in the research on the field of intrapreneurship. Concluding, the paper suggests directions for future research.Keywords: Intrapreneurship, entrepreneurship, uniquecompetitive advantage, competitiveness
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 397731635 Agent-Based Simulation of Simulating Anticipatory Systems – Classification
Authors: Eugene Kindler
The present paper is oriented to classification and application of agent technique in simulation of anticipatory systems, namely those that use simulation models for the aid of anticipation. The main ideas root in the fact that the best way for description of computer simulation models is the technique of describing the simulated system itself (and the translation into the computer code is provided as automatic), and that the anticipation itself is often nested.
Keywords: Agents, Anticipatory systems, Discrete eventsimulation, Simula, Taxonomy.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 156131634 Easy Shopping by Electronic Credit
Authors: M. Kargar, A. Isazadeh, F. Fartash, T. Saderi
In this paper we suggest a method for setting electronic credits for the customers. In this method banks and market-sites help each other to make doing large shopping through internet so easy. By developing this system, the people who have less money to buy most of the things they want, become able to buy all of them just through a credit. This credit is given by market-sites through a banking control on it. The method suggested can stop being imprisoned because of banking debts.Keywords: E-Business, E-Credit, Market-site, Buy-site, Bank, E-Commerce.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 149131633 Cytotaxonomy and Morphology of Chironomid Larvae (Diptera, Chironomidae) in Armenia
Authors: Ninel A. Petrova, Sergey V. Zhirov, Maria V. Harutyunova, Karine V. Harutyunova
In the study of chironomids in Armenia several species of Orthocladiinae subfamily of Cricotopus genus, Diamesinae subfamily of Diamesa genus, and Chironominae subfamily of Chironomus genus, have been identified. In the Cricotopus genus two sibling species were found, not distinguishable by larval morphological features, but clearly distinct cytogenetically.Keywords: Armenia, Chironomidae, karyotype, larval morphology.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 209131632 Regularization of the Trajectories of Dynamical Systems by Adjusting Parameters
Authors: Helle Hein, Ülo Lepik
A gradient learning method to regulate the trajectories of some nonlinear chaotic systems is proposed. The method is motivated by the gradient descent learning algorithms for neural networks. It is based on two systems: dynamic optimization system and system for finding sensitivities. Numerical results of several examples are presented, which convincingly illustrate the efficiency of the method.Keywords: Chaos, Dynamical Systems, Learning, Neural Networks
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 136931631 Design Resilient Building Strategies in Face of Climate Change
Authors: Yahya Alfraidi, Abdel Halim Boussabaine
Climate change confronts the built environment with many new challenges in the form of more severe and frequent hydrometeorological events. A series of strategies is proposed whereby the various aspects of buildings and their sites can be made more resilient to the effects of such events.
Keywords: Design resilience building, resilience strategies, climate change risks, design resilience aspects.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 318731630 Cyber Crime in Uganda: Myth or Reality?
Authors: Florence Tushabe, Venansius Baryamureeba
There is a general feeling that Internet crime is an advanced type of crime that has not yet infiltrated developing countries like Uganda. The carefree nature of the Internet in which anybody publishes anything at anytime poses a serious security threat for any nation. Unfortunately, there are no formal records about this type of crime for Uganda. Could this mean that it does not exist there? The author conducted an independent research to ascertain whether cyber crimes have affected people in Uganda and if so, to discover where they are reported. This paper highlights the findings.Keywords: Cyber crime, Internet crime, Uganda crime statistics.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 384731629 On the Reliability of Low Voltage Network with Small Scale Distributed Generators
Authors: Rade M. Ciric, Nikola Lj.Rajakovic
Since the 80s huge efforts have been made to utilize renewable energy sources to generate electric power. This paper reports some aspects of integration of the distributed generators into the low voltage distribution networks. An assessment of impact of the distributed generators on the reliability indices of low voltage network is performed. Results obtained from case study using low voltage network, are presented and discussed.Keywords: low voltage network, distributed generation, reliability indices
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 180231628 Calculation of Masses and Magnetic Moment of the Nucleon using the MIT Bag Model
Authors: Mahvash Zandy Navgaran, Maryam Momeni Feili
The bag radius of the nucleon can be determined by MIT bag model based on electric and magnetic form factors of the nucleon. Also we determined the masses and magnetic moment of the nucleon with MIT bag model, using bag radius and compared with other results, suggests a suitable compatibility.
Keywords: MIT bag model, masses and magnetic moment of thenucleon, bag radius of the nucleon.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 141631627 Monotone Rational Trigonometric Interpolation
Authors: Uzma Bashir, Jamaludin Md. Ali
This study is concerned with the visualization of monotone data using a piecewise C1 rational trigonometric interpolating scheme. Four positive shape parameters are incorporated in the structure of rational trigonometric spline. Conditions on two of these parameters are derived to attain the monotonicity of monotone data and othertwo are leftfree. Figures are used widely to exhibit that the proposed scheme produces graphically smooth monotone curves.
Keywords: Trigonometric splines, Monotone data, Shape preserving, C1 monotone interpolant.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 204731626 Application of Argumentation for Improving the Classification Accuracy in Inductive Concept Formation
Authors: Vadim Vagin, Marina Fomina, Oleg Morosin
This paper contains the description of argumentation approach for the problem of inductive concept formation. It is proposed to use argumentation, based on defeasible reasoning with justification degrees, to improve the quality of classification models, obtained by generalization algorithms. The experiment’s results on both clear and noisy data are also presented.Keywords: Argumentation, justification degrees, inductive concept formation, noise, generalization.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 162131625 Optimal Trajectories for Highly Automated Driving
Authors: Christian Rathgeber, Franz Winkler, Xiaoyu Kang, Steffen Müller
In this contribution two approaches for calculating optimal trajectories for highly automated vehicles are presented and compared. The first one is based on a non-linear vehicle model, used for evaluation. The second one is based on a simplified model and can be implemented on a current ECU. In usual driving situations both approaches show very similar results.Keywords: Trajectory planning, direct method, indirect method, highly automated driving.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 294931624 Preparing Data for Calibration of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide in Central Saudi Arabia
Authors: Abdulraaof H. Alqaili, Hamad A. Alsoliman
Through progress in pavement design developments, a pavement design method was developed, which is titled the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). Nowadays, the evolution in roads network and highways is observed in Saudi Arabia as a result of increasing in traffic volume. Therefore, the MEPDG currently is implemented for flexible pavement design by the Saudi Ministry of Transportation. Implementation of MEPDG for local pavement design requires the calibration of distress models under the local conditions (traffic, climate, and materials). This paper aims to prepare data for calibration of MEPDG in Central Saudi Arabia. Thus, the first goal is data collection for the design of flexible pavement from the local conditions of the Riyadh region. Since, the modifying of collected data to input data is needed; the main goal of this paper is the analysis of collected data. The data analysis in this paper includes processing each: Trucks Classification, Traffic Growth Factor, Annual Average Daily Truck Traffic (AADTT), Monthly Adjustment Factors (MAFi), Vehicle Class Distribution (VCD), Truck Hourly Distribution Factors, Axle Load Distribution Factors (ALDF), Number of axle types (single, tandem, and tridem) per truck class, cloud cover percent, and road sections selected for the local calibration. Detailed descriptions of input parameters are explained in this paper, which leads to providing of an approach for successful implementation of MEPDG. Local calibration of MEPDG to the conditions of Riyadh region can be performed based on the findings in this paper.
Keywords: Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide, traffic characteristics, materials properties, climate, Riyadh.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 122731623 A Strategy for Address Coding from HouseHold Registry Database
Authors: Yungchien Cheng, Chienmin Chu
Address Matching is an important application of Geographic Information System (GIS). Prior to Address Matching working, obtaining X,Y coordinates is necessary, which process is calling Address Geocoding. This study will illustrate the effective address geocoding process of using household registry database, and the check system for geocoded address.Keywords: GIS, Address Geocoding, HouseHold Registry Database
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