Search results for: Basic Wind Speed
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 2759

Search results for: Basic Wind Speed

1319 Evaluation of Multilevel Modulation Formats for 100Gbps Transmission with Direct Detection

Authors: Majed Omar Al-Dwairi


This paper evaluate the multilevel modulation for different techniques such as amplitude shift keying (M-ASK), MASK, differential phase shift keying (M-ASK-Bipolar), Quaternary Amplitude Shift Keying (QASK) and Quaternary Polarization-ASK (QPol-ASK) at a total bit rate of 107 Gbps. The aim is to find a costeffective very high speed transport solution. Numerical investigation was performed using Monte Carlo simulations. The obtained results indicate that some modulation formats can be operated at 100Gbps in optical communication systems with low implementation effort and high spectral efficiency.

Keywords: Optical communication, multilevel amplitude shift keying (M-ASK), Differential phase shift keying (DPSK), Quaternary Amplitude Shift Keying (QASK), Quaternary Polarization-ASK (QPol-ASK).

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1318 EASEL: Evaluation of Algorithmic Skills in an Environment Learning

Authors: A. Bey, T. Bensebaa, H. Benselem


This paper attempts to explore a new method to improve the teaching of algorithmic for beginners. It is well known that algorithmic is a difficult field to teach for teacher and complex to assimilate for learner. These difficulties are due to intrinsic characteristics of this field and to the manner that teachers (the majority) apprehend its bases. However, in a Technology Enhanced Learning environment (TEL), assessment, which is important and indispensable, is the most delicate phase to implement, for all problems that generate (noise...). Our objective registers in the confluence of these two axes. For this purpose, EASEL focused essentially to elaborate an assessment approach of algorithmic competences in a TEL environment. This approach consists in modeling an algorithmic solution according to basic and elementary operations which let learner draw his/her own step with all autonomy and independently to any programming language. This approach assures a trilateral assessment: summative, formative and diagnostic assessment.

Keywords: Algorithmic, assessment of competences, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL).

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1317 Genetic Algorithm for Solving Non-Convex Economic Dispatch Problem

Authors: Navid Javidtash, Abdolmohamad Davodi, Mojtaba Hakimzadeh, Abdolreza Roozbeh


Economic dispatch (ED) is considered to be one of the key functions in electric power system operation. This paper presents a new hybrid approach based genetic algorithm (GA) to economic dispatch problems. GA is most commonly used optimizing algorithm predicated on principal of natural evolution. Utilization of chaotic queue with GA generates several neighborhoods of near optimal solutions to keep solution variation. It could avoid the search process from becoming pre-mature. For the objective of chaotic queue generation, utilization of tent equation as opposed to logistic equation results in improvement of iterative speed. The results of the proposed approach were compared in terms of fuel cost, with existing differential evolution and other methods in literature.

Keywords: Economic Dispatch(ED), Optimization, Fuel Cost, Genetic Algorithm (GA).

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1316 Numerical Evaluation of Shear Strength for Cold-Formed Steel Shear Wall Panel

Authors: Rouaz Idriss, Bourahla Nour-Eddine, Kahlouche Farah, Rafa Sid Ali


The stability of structures made of light-gauge steel depends highly on the contribution of Shear Wall Panel (SWP) systems under horizontal forces due to wind or earthquake loads. Steel plate sheathing is often used with these panels made of cold formed steel (CFS) to improve its shear strength. In order to predict the shear strength resistance, two methods are presented in this paper. In the first method, the steel plate sheathing is modeled with plats strip taking into account only the tension and compression force due to the horizontal load, where both track and stud are modeled according to the geometrical and mechanical characteristics of the specimen used in the experiments. The theoretical background and empirical formulations of this method are presented in this paper. However, the second method is based on a micro modeling of the cold formed steel Shear Wall Panel “CFS-SWP” using Abaqus software. A nonlinear analysis was carried out with an in-plan monotonic load. Finally, the comparison between these two methods shows that the micro modeling with Abaqus gives better prediction of shear resistance of SWP than strips method. However, the latter is easier and less time consuming than the micro modeling method.

Keywords: Cold Formed Steel Shear Wall Panel, CFS-SWP, micro modeling, nonlinear analysis, strip method.

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1315 Analyzing the Effects of Adding Bitcoin to Portfolio

Authors: Shashwat Gangwal


This paper analyses the effect of adding Bitcoin, to the portfolio (stocks, bonds, Baltic index, MXEF, gold, real estate and crude oil) of an international investor by using daily data available from 2nd of July, 2010 to 2nd of August, 2016. We conclude that adding Bitcoin to portfolio, over the course of the considered period, always yielded a higher Sharpe ratio. This means that Bitcoin’s returns offset its high volatility. This paper, recognizing the fact that Bitcoin is a relatively new asset class, gives the readers a basic idea about the working of the virtual currency, the increasing number developments in the financial industry revolving around it, its unique features and the detailed look into its continuously growing acceptance across different fronts (Banks, Merchants and Countries) globally. We also construct optimal portfolios to reflect the highly lucrative and largely unexplored opportunities associated with investment in Bitcoin.

Keywords: Portfolio management, Bitcoin, optimization, Sharpe ratio.

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1314 Study on Position Polarity Compensation for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on High Frequency Signal Injection

Authors: Gu Shan-Mao, He Feng-You, Ye Sheng-Wen, Ma Zhi-Xun


The application of a high frequency signal injection method as speed and position observer in PMSM drives has been a research focus. At present, the precision of this method is nearly good as that of ten-bit encoder. But there are some questions for estimating position polarity. Based on high frequency signal injection, this paper presents a method to compensate position polarity for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). Experiments were performed to test the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and results present the good performance.

Keywords: permanent magnet synchronous motor, sensorless, high-frequency signal injection, magnetic pole position.

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1313 Satisfaction Evaluation on the Fundamental Public Services for a Large-Scale Indemnificatory Residential Community: A Case Study of Nanjing

Authors: Dezhi Li, Peng Cui, Bo Zhang, Tengyuan Chang


In order to solve the housing problem for the low-income families, the construction of affordable housing is booming in China. However, due to various reasons, the service facilities and systems in the indemnificatory residential community meet many problems. This article established a Satisfaction Evaluation System of the Fundamental Public Services for Large-scale Indemnificatory Residential Community based on the national standards and local criteria and developed evaluation methods and processes. At last, in the case of Huagang project in Nanjing, the satisfaction of basic public service is calculated according to a survey of local residents.

Keywords: Indemnificatory residential community, public services, satisfaction evaluation, structural equation modeling.

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1312 Industrial Applications of Laser Engraving: Influence of the Process Parameters on Machined Surface Quality

Authors: F.Agalianos, S.Patelis , P. Kyratsis, E. Maravelakis, E.Vasarmidis, A.Antoniadis


Laser engraving is a manufacturing method for those applications where previously Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) was the only choice. Laser engraving technology removes material layer-by-layer and the thickness of layers is usually in the range of few microns. The aim of the present work is to investigate the influence of the process parameters on the surface quality when machined by laser engraving. The examined parameters were: the pulse frequency, the beam speed and the layer thickness. The surface quality was determined by the surface roughness for every set of parameters. Experimental results on Al7075 material showed that the surface roughness strictly depends on the process parameters used.

Keywords: Laser engraving, Al7075, Yb: YAG laser, laser process parameters, material roughness.

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1311 Removal of Phenylurea Herbicides from Waters by using Chemical Oxidation Treatments

Authors: F. Javier Benitez, Carolina Garcia, Juan Luis Acero, Francisco J. Real


Four phenylurea herbicides (isoproturon, chlortoluron, diuron and linuron) were dissolved in different water matrices in order to study their chemical degradation by using UV radiation, ozone and some advanced oxidation processes (UV/H2O2, O3/H2O2, Fenton reagent and the photo- Fenton system). The waters used were: ultra-pure water, a commercial mineral water, a groundwater and a surface water taken from a reservoir. Elimination levels were established for each herbicide and for several global quality parameters, and a kinetic study was performed in order to determine basic kinetic parameters of each reaction between the target phenylureas and these oxidizing systems.

Keywords: Phenylurea herbicides, UV radiation; Ozone, Fenton reagent, Hydroxyl radicals, Rate constants, Quantum yields

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1310 Chatter Suppression in Boring Process Using Passive Damper

Authors: V. Prasannavenkadesan, A. Elango, S. Chockalingam


During machining process, chatter is an unavoidable phenomenon. Boring bars possess the cantilever shape and due to this, it is subjected to chatter. The adverse effect of chatter includes the increase in temperature which will leads to excess tool wear. To overcome these problems, in this investigation, Cartridge brass (Cu – 70% and Zn – 30%) is passively fixed on the boring bar and also clearance is provided in order to reduce the displacement, tool wear and cutting temperature. A conventional all geared lathe is attached with vibrometer and pyrometer is used to measure the displacement and temperature. The influence of input parameters such as cutting speed, depth of cut and clearance on temperature, tool wear and displacement are investigated for various cutting conditions. From the result, the optimum conditions to obtain better damping in boring process for chatter reduction is identified.

Keywords: Boring, chatter, mass damping, passive damping.

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1309 Characteristics Analysis of Thermal Resistance of Cryogenic Pipeline in Vacuum Environment

Authors: Wang Zijuan, Ding Wenjing, Liu Ran


If an unsteady heat transfer or heat impulse happens in part of the cryogenic pipeline system of large space environment simulation equipment while running in vacuum environment, it will lead to abnormal flow of the cryogenic fluid in the pipeline. When the situation gets worse, the cryogenic fluid in the pipeline will have phase change and a gas block which results in the malfunction of the cryogenic pipeline system. Referring to the structural parameter of a typical cryogenic pipeline system and the basic equation, an analytical model and a calculation model for cryogenic pipeline system can be built. The various factors which influence the thermal resistance of a cryogenic pipeline system can be analyzed and calculated by using the qualitative analysis relation deduced for thermal resistance of pipeline. The research conclusion could provide theoretical support for the design and operation of a cryogenic pipeline system

Keywords: pipeline, vacuum, vapor quality

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1308 DeClEx-Processing Pipeline for Tumor Classification

Authors: Gaurav Shinde, Sai Charan Gongiguntla, Prajwal Shirur, Ahmed Hambaba


Health issues are significantly increasing, putting a substantial strain on healthcare services. This has accelerated the integration of machine learning in healthcare, particularly following the COVID-19 pandemic. The utilization of machine learning in healthcare has grown significantly. We introduce DeClEx, a pipeline which ensures that data mirrors real-world settings by incorporating gaussian noise and blur and employing autoencoders to learn intermediate feature representations. Subsequently, our convolutional neural network, paired with spatial attention, provides comparable accuracy to state-of-the-art pre-trained models while achieving a threefold improvement in training speed. Furthermore, we provide interpretable results using explainable AI techniques. We integrate denoising and deblurring, classification and explainability in a single pipeline called DeClEx.

Keywords: Machine learning, healthcare, classification, explainability.

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1307 CFD Simulation of Solid-Liquid Stirred Tank with Rushton Turbine and Propeller Impeller

Authors: M. H. Pour, V. M. Nansa, M. Saberi, A. M. Ghanadi, A. Aghayari, M. Mirzajanzadeh


Stirred tanks have applications in many chemical processes where mixing is important for the overall performance of the system. In present work 5%v of the tank is filled by solid particles with diameter of 700 m that Rushton Turbine and Propeller impeller is used for stirring. An Eulerian-Eulerian Multi Fluid Model coupled and for modeling rotating of impeller, moving reference frame (MRF) technique was used and standard-k- model was selected for turbulency. Flow field, radial velocity and axial distribution of solid for both of impellers was investigation and comparison. Comparisons of simulation results between Rushton Turbine and propeller impeller shows that final quality of solid-liquid slurry in different rotating speed for propeller impeller is better than the Rushton Turbine.

Keywords: CFD, Particle Velocity, Propeller Impeller, Rushton Turbine.

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1306 Performance Evaluation of Popular Hash Functions

Authors: Sheena Mathew, K. Poulose Jacob


This paper describes the results of an extensive study and comparison of popular hash functions SHA-1, SHA-256, RIPEMD-160 and RIPEMD-320 with JERIM-320, a 320-bit hash function. The compression functions of hash functions like SHA-1 and SHA-256 are designed using serial successive iteration whereas those like RIPEMD-160 and RIPEMD-320 are designed using two parallel lines of message processing. JERIM-320 uses four parallel lines of message processing resulting in higher level of security than other hash functions at comparable speed and memory requirement. The performance evaluation of these methods has been done by using practical implementation and also by using step computation methods. JERIM-320 proves to be secure and ensures the integrity of messages at a higher degree. The focus of this work is to establish JERIM-320 as an alternative of the present day hash functions for the fast growing internet applications.

Keywords: Cryptography, Hash function, JERIM-320, Messageintegrity

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1305 Visual Hull with Imprecise Input

Authors: Peng He


Imprecision is a long-standing problem in CAD design and high accuracy image-based reconstruction applications. The visual hull which is the closed silhouette equivalent shape of the objects of interest is an important concept in image-based reconstruction. We extend the domain-theoretic framework, which is a robust and imprecision capturing geometric model, to analyze the imprecision in the output shape when the input vertices are given with imprecision. Under this framework, we show an efficient algorithm to generate the 2D partial visual hull which represents the exact information of the visual hull with only basic imprecision assumptions. We also show how the visual hull from polyhedra problem can be efficiently solved in the context of imprecise input.

Keywords: Geometric Domain, Computer Vision, Computational Geometry, Visual Hull, Image-Based reconstruction, Imprecise Input, CAD object

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1304 Evaluation on Recent Committed Crypt Analysis Hash Function

Authors: A. Arul Lawrence Selvakumar, C. Suresh Ganandhas


This paper describes the study of cryptographic hash functions, one of the most important classes of primitives used in recent techniques in cryptography. The main aim is the development of recent crypt analysis hash function. We present different approaches to defining security properties more formally and present basic attack on hash function. We recall Merkle-Damgard security properties of iterated hash function. The Main aim of this paper is the development of recent techniques applicable to crypt Analysis hash function, mainly from SHA family. Recent proposed attacks an MD5 & SHA motivate a new hash function design. It is designed not only to have higher security but also to be faster than SHA-256. The performance of the new hash function is at least 30% better than that of SHA-256 in software. And it is secure against any known cryptographic attacks on hash functions.

Keywords: Crypt Analysis, cryptographic.

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1303 Computing a Time Based Effective Radius-of-Curvature for Roadways

Authors: Gary D. Cantrell, E. Alex Baylot


The radius-of-curvature (ROC) defines the degree of curvature along the centerline of a roadway whereby a travelling vehicle must follow. Roadway designs must encompass ROC in mitigating the cost of earthwork associated with construction while also allowing vehicles to travel at maximum allowable design speeds. Thus, a road will tend to follow natural topography where possible, but curvature must also be optimized to permit fast, but safe vehicle speeds. The more severe the curvature of the road, the slower the permissible vehicle speed. For route planning, whether for urban settings, emergency operations, or even parcel delivery, ROC is a necessary attribute of road arcs for computing travel time. It is extremely rare for a geo-spatial database to contain ROC. This paper will present a procedure and mathematical algorithm to calculate and assign ROC to a segment pair and/or polyline.

Keywords: linear features, radius-of-curvature, roads, routing, traffic, turning

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1302 Using Fuzzy Numbers in Heavy Aggregation Operators

Authors: José M. Merigó, Montserrat Casanovas


We consider different types of aggregation operators such as the heavy ordered weighted averaging (HOWA) operator and the fuzzy ordered weighted averaging (FOWA) operator. We introduce a new extension of the OWA operator called the fuzzy heavy ordered weighted averaging (FHOWA) operator. The main characteristic of this aggregation operator is that it deals with uncertain information represented in the form of fuzzy numbers (FN) in the HOWA operator. We develop the basic concepts of this operator and study some of its properties. We also develop a wide range of families of FHOWA operators such as the fuzzy push up allocation, the fuzzy push down allocation, the fuzzy median allocation and the fuzzy uniform allocation.

Keywords: Aggregation operators, Fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy OWAoperator, Heavy OWA operator.

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1301 Flow Measurement Using Magnetic Meters in Large Underground Cooling Water Pipelines

Authors: Humanyun Zahir, Irtsam Ghazi


This paper outlines the basic installation and operation of magnetic inductive flow velocity sensors on large underground cooling water pipelines. Research on the effects of cathodic protection as well as into other factors that might influence the overall performance of the meter is presented in this paper. The experiments were carried out on an immersion type magnetic meter specially used for flow measurement of cooling water pipeline. An attempt has been made in this paper to outline guidelines that can ensure accurate measurement related to immersion type magnetic meters on underground pipelines.

Keywords: Magnetic Induction, Flow meter, Faradays law, Immersion, Cathodic protection, Anode, Cathode. Flange, Grounding, Plant information management system, Electrodes.

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1300 Optimal Controller with Backstepping and BELBIC for Single-Link Flexible Manipulator

Authors: Ali Reza Sahab, Amir Gholami Pastaki


In this paper, backstepping method (BM) is proposed for a single-link flexible mechanical manipulator. In each step of this method a positive value is obtained. Selections of the gain factor values are very important because controller will have different behavior for each different set of values. Improper selection of these gains can lead to instability of the system. In order to choose proper values for gains BELBIC method has been used in this work. Finally, to prove the efficiency of this method, the obtained results of proposed model are compared with robust controller one. Results show that the combination of backstepping and BELBIC that is presented here, can stabilized the system with higher speed, shorter settling time and lower overshoot in than robust controller.

Keywords: single-link flexible manipulator, backstepping, BELBIC

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1299 XPM Response of Multiple Quantum Well chirped DFB-SOA All Optical Flip-Flop Switching

Authors: Masoud Jabbari, Mohammad Kazem Moravvej-Farshi, Rahim Ghayour, Abbas Zarifkar


In this paper, based on the coupled-mode and carrier rate equations, derivation of a dynamic model and numerically analysis of a MQW chirped DFB-SOA all-optical flip-flop is done precisely. We have analyzed the effects of strains of QW and MQW and cross phase modulation (XPM) on the dynamic response, and rise and fall times of the DFB-SOA all optical flip flop. We have shown that strained MQW active region in under an optimized condition into a DFB-SOA with chirped grating can improve the switching ON speed limitation in such a of the device, significantly while the fall time is increased. The values of the rise times for such an all optical flip-flop, are obtained in an optimized condition, areas tr=255ps.

Keywords: All-Optical Flip-Flop (AO-FF), Distributed feedback semiconductor optical amplifier (DFB-SOA), Optical Bistability, Multi quantum well (MQW)

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1298 Starting Characteristic Analysis of LSPM for Pumping System Considering Demagnetization

Authors: Subrato Saha, Yun-Hyun Cho


This paper presents the design process of a high performance 3-phase 3.7 kW 2-pole line start permanent magnet synchronous motor for pumping system. A method was proposed to study the starting torque characteristics considering line start with high inertia load. A d-q model including cage was built to study the synchronization capability. Time-stepping finite element method analysis was utilized to accurately predict the dynamic and transient performance, efficiency, starting current, speed curve and etc. Considering the load torque of pumps during starting stage, the rotor bar was designed with minimum demagnetization of permanent magnet caused by huge starting current.

Keywords: LSPM, starting analysis, demagnetization, FEA, pumping system.

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1297 A Framework of the Factors Affecting the Adoption of ICT for Physical Education

Authors: T. T. Ntshakala, S. D. Eyono Obono


Physical education (PE) is still neglected in schools despite its academic, social, psychological, and health benefits. Based on the assumption that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can contribute to the development of PE in schools, this study aims to design a model of the factors affecting the adoption of ICTs for PE in schools. The proposed model is based on a sound theoretical framework. It was designed following a literature review of technology adoption theories and of ICT adoption factors for physical education. The technology adoption model that fitted to the best all ICT adoption factors was then chosen as the basis for the proposed model. It was found that the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) is the most adequate theoretical framework for the modeling of ICT adoption factors for physical education.

Keywords: Adoption factors, basic education, physical education, technology adoption theories.

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1296 Influence of Milled Waste Glass to Clay Ceramic Foam Properties Made by Direct Foaming Route

Authors: A. Shishkin, V. Mironovs, D. Goljandin, A. Korjakins


The goal of this work is to develop sustainable and durable ceramic cellular structures using widely available natural resources- clay and milled waste glass. Present paper describes method of obtaining clay ceramic foam (CCF) with addition of milled waste glass in 5, 7 and 10 wt% by direct foaming with high speed mixer-disperser (HSMD). For more efficient clay and waste glass milling and mixing, the high velocity disintegrator was used. The CCF with 5, 7, and 10 wt% were obtained at 900, 950, 1000 and 1050 °C firing temperature and they have demonstrated mechanical compressive strength for all 12 samples ranging from 3.8 to 14.3 MPa and porosity 76-65%. Obtained CCF has compressive strength 14.3 MPa and porosity 65.3%.

Keywords: Ceramic foam, waste glass, clay foam, glass foam, open cell, direct foaming.

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1295 Optimal Trajectory Finding of IDP Ventilation Control with Outdoor Air Information and Indoor Health Risk Index

Authors: Minjeong Kim, Seungchul Lee, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Jeong Tai Kim, Chang Kyoo Yoo


This study was carried out for an underground subway station at Seoul Metro, Korea. The optimal set-points of the ventilation control system are determined every 3 hours, then, the ventilation controller adjusts the ventilation fan speed according to the optimal set-point changes. Compared to manual ventilation system which is operated irrespective of the OAQ, the IDP-based ventilation control system saves 3.7% of the energy consumption. Compared to the fixed set-point controller which is operated irrespective of the IAQ diurnal variation, the IDP-based controller shows better performance with a 2% decrease in energy consumption, maintaining the comfortable IAQ range inside the station.

Keywords: Indoor air quality, iterative dynamic algorithm, outdoor air information, ventilation control system.

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1294 The Strength and Metallography of a Bimetallic Friction Stir Bonded Joint between AA6061 and High Hardness Steel

Authors: Richard E. Miller


12.7-mm thick plates of 6061-T6511 aluminum alloy and high hardness steel (528 HV) were successfully joined by a friction stir bonding process using a tungsten-rhenium stir tool. Process parameter variation experiments, which included tool design geometry, plunge and traverse rates, tool offset, spindle tilt, and rotation speed, were conducted to develop a parameter set which yielded a defect free joint. Laboratory tensile tests exhibited yield stresses which exceed the strengths of comparable AA6061-to-AA6061 fusion and friction stir weld joints. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis also show atomic diffusion at the material interface region.

Keywords: Dissimilar materials, friction stir, welding.

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1293 Relation between Roots and Tangent Lines of Function in Fractional Dimensions: A Method for Optimization Problems

Authors: Ali Dorostkar


In this paper, a basic schematic of fractional dimensional optimization problem is presented. As will be shown, a method is performed based on a relation between roots and tangent lines of function in fractional dimensions for an arbitrary initial point. It is shown that for each polynomial function with order N at least N tangent lines must be existed in fractional dimensions of 0 < α < N+1 which pass exactly through the all roots of the proposed function. Geometrical analysis of tangent lines in fractional dimensions is also presented to clarify more intuitively the proposed method. Results show that with an appropriate selection of fractional dimensions, we can directly find the roots. Method is presented for giving a different direction of optimization problems by the use of fractional dimensions.

Keywords: Tangent line, fractional dimension, root, optimization problem.

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1292 Machine Learning Methods for Network Intrusion Detection

Authors: Mouhammad Alkasassbeh, Mohammad Almseidin


Network security engineers work to keep services available all the time by handling intruder attacks. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the obtainable mechanisms that is used to sense and classify any abnormal actions. Therefore, the IDS must be always up to date with the latest intruder attacks signatures to preserve confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the services. The speed of the IDS is a very important issue as well learning the new attacks. This research work illustrates how the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (or Knowledge Discovery in Databases) KDD dataset is very handy for testing and evaluating different Machine Learning Techniques. It mainly focuses on the KDD preprocess part in order to prepare a decent and fair experimental data set. The J48, MLP, and Bayes Network classifiers have been chosen for this study. It has been proven that the J48 classifier has achieved the highest accuracy rate for detecting and classifying all KDD dataset attacks, which are of type DOS, R2L, U2R, and PROBE.

Keywords: IDS, DDoS, MLP, KDD.

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1291 Removal of Methylene Blue Dye Using Roselle Petals from Aqueous Solutions

Authors: Abdulali Ben Saleh, Mohamed Abudabbus


The present study based on removal of natural dyes of Roselle petals, then used Roselle petals powder (RPP) as an adsorbent for the removal of methylene blue dye (as a typical cationic or basic dye) from aqueous solutions. The present study shows that used Roselle petals powder exhibit adsorption trend for the dye. The adsorption processes were carried out at various conditions of temperatures ranging from 278 to 338 K ± 2 K , concentrations, processing time and a wide range of pH between 2.5-11. Adsorption isotherm equations such as Freundlich, and Langmuir were applied to calculate the values of respective constants. Adsorption study was found that the currently introduced adsorbent can be used to remove cationic dyes such as methylene blue from aqueous solutions.

Keywords: Adsorption, methylene blue, removal of dyes, Roselle petals powder.

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1290 Designing of Virtual Laboratories Based on Extended Event Driving Simulation Method

Authors: A.Shokri, A.Faraahi


Here are many methods for designing and implementation of virtual laboratories, because of their special features. The most famous architectural designs are based on the events. This model of architecting is so efficient for virtual laboratories implemented on a local network. Later, serviceoriented architecture, gave the remote access ability to them and Peer-To-Peer architecture, hired to exchanging data with higher quality and more speed. Other methods, such as Agent- Based architecting, are trying to solve the problems of distributed processing in a complicated laboratory system. This study, at first, reviews the general principles of designing a virtual laboratory, and then compares the different methods based on EDA, SOA and Agent-Based architecting to present weaknesses and strengths of each method. At the end, we make the best choice for design, based on existing conditions and requirements.

Keywords: Virtual Laboratory, Software Engineering, Simulation, EDA, SOA, Agent-Based Architecting.

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